Uprooting My Heart. Poem by Fay Slimm

Uprooting My Heart.

Rating: 5.0

The garden surrounding my soul, being long
Under control, bore no visible weeds.
Every bed seemed tended, all plants belonged
To a known pattern of life, no wild seeds
Allowed entry, until on digging deep
One day, I uncovered my heart, and found
It bleeding, and starved. Not worth the keeping
I threw it away. Uprooted, it sighed, bound
For graveyard and fire, it then caught your eye,
As careful, you planted again with words
Of tenderest care, and there you watered
It daily, feeding it love, then occured
A regrowth. Now it responds as it ought.

Uprooted, my heart deferred to your touch.
Rooted, now blossoms, and loves you so much.

Scott Austin 27 January 2009

This is a very touching piece which gives one the feeling of being reborn again with love and tenderness. May you blossom and bloom into the flower for which you are. Scott

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Kris Smith 16 January 2009

This is a lovely piece of gardening Fay could say blooming lovely 10 ++++ Chris

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Lynda Robson 16 January 2009

I like this a lot Fay, cleverly written, you being a plant that needs tending and then able to bloom again, lovely Lynda xxx

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Tia Maria 16 January 2009

Dear Fay.... you landscape the garden of love so well.... thanks so much for your inspiration and your perfect poetry, T 10 10 10 again

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Colton Foltz 15 January 2009

Started out pretty sad at the start. Good job

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Fay Slimm

Fay Slimm

in Cornwall U.K.
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