Values, Morals And Ethics Skewed Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Values, Morals And Ethics Skewed

Knowing love closely doesn't happen for everyone, because there's
too many abusive, self-centered and selfish people in this world,
looking around, seeing that not many people are safe, loved or
cared for by boyfriends, girlfriends or spouses.

Why is always poking into thoughts, parents are supposed to teach
their children right from wrong, nurture and love them, but not
all men and women were meant to be parents and it's obvious in
the way they neglect to teach their children.

Some parents giving their children a deep and abiding need to be
loved that often ends up in them to try and find love by having
sex indiscriminately with many men or women, having no morals,
ethics of values because they weren't taught them.

Growing up, having problems with authority, getting in trouble
with the law, ending up in prison, wondering why they've been
incarcerated, placing the blame on everyone else except them-
selves, because that's what they were taught as a child.

Thinking they have done nothing wrong because their values,
morals and ethics have been skewed or eliminated totally since
childhood, maturing doesn't always happen and they continue on
a path of self-destruction instead of changing attitudes.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: problems,self discovery
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