What Is It About Those Patriot Songs....? Poem by Kimberly Lindsey

What Is It About Those Patriot Songs....?

What is it about a patriot’s song?
That makes it hard to breathe?
The lump in your throat, you can’t speak,
It can bring you to your knees.

The pride that you feel, for America,
Your home, its people, your dreams.

What is it about our country?
That evokes such protective love,
That we cry when we hear the songs
Written way back in the past.

The National Anthem, our nation’s song,
That shows pride, love, and strength.

Our vast array of singers and writers,
That put words to music, an ode to our nation,
Will forever be remembered, for the praises to our land?
Next time you hear a song about, our country, BE PROUD!

Never forget those gone before us, the hardships they endured.
The sacrifices, the lives lost, but never in vain.

For the soldiers of old are now in God’s arms,
Fighting for that one common goal.
Michael and Raphael will guide them,
And train them to fight for God.

There is only one goal, to be rid of evil.
I thank those soldiers of old.

For they are fighting on in the heavenly realm,
Fighting for justice and truth.
Kicking the butt of the evil that remain.
Keeping us safe and providing guard.

What is it about those patriot songs…..?
Our pride in America, our home?

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