Wrong Yourselves With Love Poem by John Palermo

Wrong Yourselves With Love

Some things are right. Some things are wrong. Some things are better left alone. Do you truly have to understand everything? Some things are better left misunderstood. Knowledge is power; indeed, but why try to understand everything? Live for the moment. Know for the now. Swim in the present. Dance for tomorrow. Dream for the future. Sing for your troubles. Rejoice for peace & break sorrows. Embrace & treasure hugs. Don't pass up a kiss, a smile, or laugh. Believe in love & it will destroy evil. Listen to your heart. Voice your opinion, but be mindful of who is listening. Be a leader.....NOT a follower. Compromise the facts. Dramatize reality with fun, because vivaciousness is a play at heart for the wicked but young and restless. Know that the older will ALWAYS be wiser than you. Remember the good times for they may never come again. History is here for a reason. That is why it 'was' written. My point, advocates, out there is- if you have not found love then I challenge you dearly to seek it. Life is too priceless to forsake this God given gift. If you do not find this gift then you will never understand what is misunderstood, what is right, or what is wrong because it is love that makes everything right but never wrong AND it will NEVER be misunderstood. With love NOTHING & I do mean NOTHING you beautiful people & rare captivating souls out there..... NOTHING can go wrong. So, I dare ANYONE..... to wrong themselves.....with.....love.

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