Fleas Interest Me So Much

Fleas interest me so much
that I let them bite me for hours.
They are perfect, ancient, Sanskrit,
machines that admit of no appeal.
They do not bite to eat,
they bite only to jump;
they are the dancers of the celestial sphere,
delicate acrobats
in the softest and most profound circus;
let them gallop on my skin,

Distressful Homonyms

Since for me now you have no warmth to spare
I sense I must adopt a sane and spare

Philosophy to ease a restless state
Fuelled by this uncaring. It will state

A very meagre truth: love like the rest
Of our emotions, sometimes needs a rest.

Happiness, too, no doubt; and so, why even

A Cup Of Emotion


Sip with me a cup of few sunny,

warm and rainy emotions in this morning.

say it before you leave..

The noisy sound which is around

Ode To The Heart

Your journey begins on 18th or 19th day
After fertilization of eggs
You are the first organ to be formed
And function to beat and pump blood
Then your septation into separate chambers begins
Goes out in an artery comes back in a vein
This makes you unique in the body frame
You loop with other organs and realigned
You control Inflow and outflow of blood
Though, 'The Boss' sits on top of you

Emotional Bursts

All of sudden tears roll out,
No reason whatsoever and nothing about,
No defeat, no victory and no rout,
Still reality and sudden fall out,

Emotions burst out with sudden good news,
No solution in sight but call for reviews,
No hopes for success but call for interviews,
Where chances for success are little or few,

A Cloud Portrait

Arms hold the soundless music of the sky.
The lyricism of the soul burns high.
Brief poems dance with distance against space,
Snow interlocks the landscape into place.

I look at you through bare bones of old trees,
Invoke the magic of simplicity.
You write me verses while the moments fall.
White notes that never can my tears annul.

***a Mermaid's Sleep Which Used To Escape In A Waiting Shape

last night where the soul's sorrow was a mate,

last night where she found one start,

an end of a falling tear, or perhaps a newborn of a pain..

last night where a start left a trace of rain in her cloudy eyes...calling he who knows how to dive in oceans of her hidden emotions, who invade the soul....

who could find where are the holes of a traveling ship,
who could be a captain for her trip,

Return To The Sea

Secret from the river
Carried by the endless waves
Flowing to return to the sea
And then hide in the ocean depth

As everybody feels happy and pain
So the innocence heart in us, just the same

Return to the sea
Listen the ballad of of waves

Life On Ice

A quest for emotional provender
leaves me guided by your North Star
into wilderness unmelcoming
to my hearth loving nature
Fathoming your emotions
a venture akin to ice fishing
even should we crack the surface
there may be no reward
no returning tug on frail lines
deployed into chill waters

The Human Heart

O' heart, I wonder how you can store
so many different emotions of ours
in just thy four puny chambers
while pumping away the liquid of life

O' heart in you we discover love
but side by side you harbour hate
In you we find the emotion of happiness
but side by side you harbour rage!

(321) Forgiveness

Forgiveness, a heartfelt decision.
The clearing of one’s heart without remission.
A voice from deep within, contemplates,
removal of festered thoughts of sin.

Forgiveness, allowing positive energy to prevail.
Wiping out all negativity along the trail.
Forcing out emotions of darkness deep.
Keeping straight, a good nights sleep.


O chansons foregoing
You were a seven days' wonder.
When you came out in the magazines
You created considerable stir in Chicago,
And now you are stale and worn out,
You're a very depleted fashion,
A hoop-skirt, a calash,
An homely, transient antiquity.
Only emotion remains.
Your emotions?

Popularity Does Not Always Reflect Quality

popularity does not reflect quality,

popularity means quantity...

...a poem may be which will be written, my respect to the excellent poets who are popular but they have a very good quality work...

iam planning too to be popular but to publish only the good work..

an invitation for you to sip with me that cup of emotions, read this poem please and the melody which iam going to complete..with regards and admiration for who concentrate on thier qualified work


Utopia is a place where you can find pure air
A place where everyone is kind, polite and fair
A place where there are Angels flying everywhere
A place where there is neither sadness nor despair.

In Utopia unique humans are not so rare
They all love each other and for emotions care
No envy, lying or hypocrisy - I swear
Everything and everyone's ideal I'm aware

Sea, Sky And Fire

Sea, Sky and Fire

How wonderful it is

When the rising waves

Of my heart

Senryu- Flow

dipped in vividness
emotions flow as river
to the sea of love

Book 5 - like A Garden

A good book is like entering a garden,
A place of exotic flowers with romantic messages,
Where pretty butterfly like words flutter into memory,
Where majestic tree like demeanour glow into mind,
Where colourful birds fly into emotions, so stimulating!
Where cool breeze touches the soul, so healing!
As you walk out of the book garden,
You are refreshed, regaled, rejuvenated like a newborn!

Octave - 8 lines of 8 words

Blessed Garden

Let us walk barefoot into this blessed garden
Where pin drop silence dwells in serenity
And the red river flows under the bridge of emotions
And the adulterous arms of fate embrace life
Eyes filled with starry dreams of surreal splendor
And the garden has the fragrance of lilies all around.

After We Met - The First Time

First Meeting, between you and me
Has caused a sweet sensation deep within...
My life has changed in one single moment
I am no more the guy I used to be....

Seems you have come straight to me from above
To hold my hand, bring me love
Now I have met you, my love, my destiny
Found the happiness, which was missing in me....

Treasured Moments!

I picked a few random moments
And froze them in my heart
A few affectionate moments
Empty dull moments
A handful of emotions
Droplets of pearly tears
All treasured and tucked
Safely in a box of memories
I assured myself to dwell
In some lonesome moments of solitude