Bre Renee Poems

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Remember that time
we stayed up all night,
laughing so hard
that our muscles got tight?


You are so cute
you'r hair, you'r eyes
you have me so

You Didnt Die

Take you down the road....

Tie you by the neck....

Take Some More

its fake. all spinning around.

for gods sake, dont be so loud.


a tasty yummy treat

a taste that cant be beat

Thinking Of You

im outta my mind thinking of you
hoping that your thinking of me to
im scared to think about where you are
because i kno your not mine

Because Of You

i dont understand why hes always so mad
i dont understand why we cant get along
hes here for me through good times and bad
but it doesnt make sense on where we belong

I Can'T

When you know you should tell,
but you can't,
because you want the happiness to last,
your heart breaks more everyday,

My Breakup

It wasn't an excuse, wasn't a way to be free
its not a simple action, written out by me.
I can't take back the hurt, can't take back the pain
I can't formulate the words, I simply can't explain.

My Cousin

Many years ago, we did not get along. Its understandable because we were very young. The fighting of two women, trying to find their place, it was almost impossible to win that domanance race. Its a very different world, now than what it was, nobody understands the things that highschool does.

Adult hood is very different, the mindset is completely new. we are no longer children, I have found me, and you have found you. With the past in the past, the future on its way, I know our friendship will last, we will take it day by day.

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