Jennifer Rothgordt

Jennifer Rothgordt Poems


Stuck between chance and circumstance, in a hell of my own making.
Can you see into my eyes, beyond the smile I'm faking.
Shrouded by the darkness and all that I hold dear,
I have come to realize I'm paralyzed by fear.

Live every minute,
Make sure your heart is in it.
Push yourself,
Cross the line.

One wonders what the world would do,
If each word spoken, from this point were true.
If every expression of emotion or reason, real!
How would this make mankind feel?

That amber glow, which, I have come to know
Will forever, draw me to her.
Clear blue eyes, Like open skies,
The azure blues, the midnight hues,

Wondering, wandering and withering,
hanging on to a short weak string.
with quiet defiance.

City streets and lanterns mired in the mist.
Where old couples and young lovers have often stopped to kiss.
the lamp outside the Barber shop casts an eerie twisted light.
Pale colors adorn the buildings face, long into the night.

A sullen stone, with its haughty tone, sits across her path.
I can't be sure what she could have done, to incur its wrath.
She checked her stance, she stood her ground.
Her eyes were fire, when she turned around.

I look to you all mighty sky,
As I will each day, until I die.
Your vast amazing beauty, for all of us to see.
As your darkness falls, it envelops me.

But I love him with all my heart, she said.
As she kneaded the dough to make his bread.
When he walked in the door at the end of the day.
The oven light is on is all he'd say.

The Best Poem Of Jennifer Rothgordt

Sleep, My Friend

Think of dreams, find restful sleep.
Sail the skies, and oceans deep.
Relax yourself, to your heart be kind.
Let the darkness be gentle to your mind.

Jennifer Rothgordt Comments

Jayne Davies 07 February 2013

Hya Jennifer, i've been reading your work, and I think your poems are wonderful! I too enjoy writing poetry, straight from the heart x Well done, look forward to reading more x Jayne Davies

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