Be Careful, Angel! Poem by Akhtar Jawad

Be Careful, Angel!

Rating: 5.0

Your wings should not make an irritating sound
It should move producing the beats of a violin.
A slow and peace bringing tune
that not only touches the hearts of a mortal man
but touches my heart as well.
Oh! You look like a frightening demon.
I don't like it,
I am beautiful and I love and like beauty.
As I wanted my beauty to be felt
I created ugliness.
Put a mask of a fairy on your face
there should be a smile on your lips
you should look like a sexy maiden.
When you free his soul from his body
your hands should touch him gently
I am a gentle touch
you must not forget.
Touch him
as the pleasant winds touch the delicate flowers
do it in the manner how essence is extracted from a rose
or the droplets are extracted from the roaming clouds
let his soul come out like an embryo comes out of the earth
bring this embryo to the gardens of heavens
sow it in the best and the greenest corner.
He will grow here in a tall tree of beautiful flowers and tasty fruits.
Throughout his life he walked slowly
he never spoke loudly to his neighbors
he never shown his alms giving hands to anyone
slowly and silently he helped the needing fellowmen
he remained kind to the animals,
he always had a soft and kind touch for the children.
He didn't hate anyone
He loved all irrespective of their color and belief
Irrespective of their culture and nationality.
He never desired fame and name.
Unknown he lived and unknown he will die.
But it's me who knows him very well.
Be careful Angel,
I have erased all paintings of his sins,
he is a Very Important Soul
you will land here with him
and walk on a carpet of rainbow.

Be Careful, Angel!
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: death
Kumarmani Mahakul 09 September 2017

He never desired fame and name. Unknown he lived and unknown he will die. But it's me who knows him very well. Be careful Angel, I have erased all paintings of his sins, he is a Very Important Soul you will land here with him and walk on a carpet of rainbow... loved these lines. Haunting expression.

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Valsa George 04 September 2017

Lofty thoughts! Remarkable rendition! He sounds so exemplary!

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Rajnish Manga 03 September 2017

He loved all irrespective of their color and belief Irrespective of their culture and nationality. He never desired fame and name. Unknown he lived and unknown he will die.... //.... A grand imagery mounted on a mega scale with exquisite expressions like 'Touch him.... in the manner how essence is extracted from a rose. The poem is a big joy to read and has a very humane touch. Thank you, Sir.

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Khalid Saifullah 03 September 2017

A beautiful imagination of life and death..............................................

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