But They Didn't Stop Poem by Akhtar Jawad

But They Didn't Stop

Rating: 5.0

They were drunk having taken the wines of ugly nationalism,
Several times I asked them to be patient and to stop,
Never followed their religions but used it to motivate,
The innocent, illiterate and ignorant people,
Now die in the arms of your uncalled religious extremism.

At the skies a garland of flowers or that of fires,
Whatever it may be but you have put the earth on fire,
Who taught you this Bhagvad Geeta or the Holy Quran?
Alas! Your rivalry made this earth a burning Hell!
God never taught it. It were your own unlimited desires.

But They Didn't Stop
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: nuclear
Rose Marie Juan-austin 11 September 2019

Liked the picture that goes with this wonderful write. Very apt for the powerful thoughts of the great Poet.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 11 September 2019

A very meaningful and powerful write. I hope this great poem will be on the front page of Poem Hunter as Poem Of The Day. The world is crying against endless.attacks, deaths, terrorism and war. What is so sad is that the innocent are sacrificed in this dastardly acts. I hope we still see the day when all people are united. When there is peace among nations and people. Another great poem, Sir Akhtar. Brilliantly penned. Onto my Poem List.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 11 September 2019

The innocent, illiterate and ignorant people, Now die in the arms of your uncalled religious extremism..........cited from your poem and these: Who taught you this Bhagvad Geeta or the Holy Quran? Alas! Your rivalry made this earth a burning! God never taught it. It were your own unlimited desires...............EXACTLY! I have written before, a poem with such theme. Thank you for sharing this fantastic poem. A 10 Full Score

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Sylvia Frances Chan 11 September 2019

What an artistic picture here, dear Akhtar Sir! This poem speaks nothing but The Truth, the same as my poem in We reap what we sow, according to Ann Graham´s interview recently, we get all we have asked for! Like the killings at schools in the USA, and all other tragedies in the world. God is very sad too, but one gets what he/she asked for.

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