Children Crave "I Love You's" More Than Anything Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Children Crave "I Love You's" More Than Anything

Rating: 4.5

Strangers gathered in waiting rooms, sitting around on their cell
phones, reading, talking, watching this mere poet writing and wonder-
ing what is being written.

Nothing going wrong, no sorrow being given or taken, just images,
landscapes of nature, memories that want to be seen over and over through the years.

A simple thing, yet so immense a part of people, lifting spirits,
touching feelings and emotions of others as they sit back and let life take them where it will instead of making it work for them.

Missing out on so many things of beauty, wonder and nature as all
of humanity travels around each day, wanting more in aspects of materialism instead of the simple, important things.

Children innately understand this unless their parents teach them
that material things are more important because money can buy you
anything your heart desires.

Children prefer honesty, love and caring because no one can afford
to buy these wants of a child, living to hear the "I Love You's"
that a child craves more than anything in this temporary world.

Bri Edwards 05 October 2020

Gee, I wouldn't mind a few " I love you's" either. I like the poem, but, hey, get with the Real World, ha ha! ! ! bri :)

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Khairul Ahsan 29 September 2020

Children's perception of love is flawless and uncorruptible. They all deserve unadulterated love.

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Dr Pintu Mahakul 28 September 2020

Children much trust to their parents. They learn everything from them. You are very true and absolutely true. Children learn values and do their duty according to the teaching of parents. Children much prefer honesty, love and caring. This poem is very lovely! full stars rating

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