Email To My Best Friend... Poem by Ray Lucero

Email To My Best Friend...

Good Morning!

"The only real change we can make is to ourselves...this leaves room in our heart to love without judgment."

What I mean by this statement;

We live in a divisive environment of good and evil, right and wrong, positive and negative, light and dark, etc.

How we individually choose to be determines our role on Earth is up to each and everyone one of us.
Some choose to do evil and some choose to do good.

God in All His Wisdom allows choices for each and everyone's highest and best needs.I believe Earth is a proving ground for the soul.
In our lifetime you and I have done things we regret like hurting someone we love, or (fill in the blanks) .How can we really know wrongdoing if we haven't experienced and learned from it?Love begins and ends with one's self.It is only then that we can accept and love everyone like God Loves us.He has given us this gift that we might grow our soul.

To me the belief God judges and punishes is a projection from minds unable to understand forgiveness and acceptance."Love thy neighbor as thyself" spoken by Jesus are perfect words from someone who as a man Mastered Himself, and who stands as a perfect example of what every human being can be.He is the Perfect Prototype of what man's full potential is meant to be.

We must allow everyone to play out their chosen role in life.If indeed we believe in an afterlife what is there to be afraid of in this brief human existence?To me the belief in heaven and hell is man made, devised by a few to try to control the many through fear, uncertainty and doubt.

I believe God Loves All of His Creation...with no exceptions.

Make all you do today fill you you with joy, happiness and love.



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