Enchantment Poem by Valerie Dohren


Rating: 5.0

Enchantment steals my weary heart
when'er I see the golden dawn
which so does set my soul aflame
that I should never be forlorn.

To see the beauty in a smile
to feel such magic all around
delights me with the sweetest joy
in every sight, in every sound.

Enchantment plays upon the soul
to captivate, such charms convey
all heavens wonders that we see
around us through each passing day.

Enchantment be the stars that shine
so too upon the glowing moon
enchantment in the twisting vine
and through the shining sun at noon.

Enchantment be the rambling brook
and there within the rolling sea
enchantment in the eyes that look
enchantment through the eyes that see.

©️Valerie Dohren

Heather Wilson 31 August 2012

You said it Val, Enchantment, this really is an enchanting poem, lovely.

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Joseph Anderson 01 September 2012

A perfectly enchanting blend of enchantment in this enchanting poem. You scored again with another 10

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Valsa George 02 September 2012

With the Muse residing within you, everything is enchantment, I suppose! !

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Hazel Durham 10 October 2012

A beautiful poem about the great wonders of nature. Brilliant write!

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Dee Corpolongo 12 September 2012

This is excellent, and all the most beautiful and amazing wonders of Nature that are there for everyone to enjoy are mentioned here and truly felt. A beautiful and 'enchanting' reminder to take time to enjoy it all. A perfect word to describe it all...Enchanting.(such a beautiful word in itself!) Thank you for sharing, Val.

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Captain Cur 04 September 2012

Super enchanting verse, vigorously written. Loved every line.

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Danny Draper 02 September 2012

The power of Nature and her inherent beauty is enough to enchant any fine poet.

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Dave Walker 02 September 2012

A beautiful poem, sometimes we can forget the beauty around us, your poem shows us it's still there.

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