I Will Miss You Poem by Kimbaline Navas (she who waits)

I Will Miss You

I will remember all the days that we shared the good as well as the bad.

When the rain drops fall upon my window I will miss you for you were much more to me then just a person from my past, you are more then just a blood line and you are and will always be my best friend.

I will miss you when the days are long and the nights are cold for I remember what gave me peace, to sit and chat with you about the simple things in life, to smile and laugh at the things that we did many moons ago.

I will miss you for the person you are and the person you made me become.

For you showed me how to become myself and not what some one is looking for.

I miss your aroma for you have this mixture of pure beauty that comes out in your soul. Now when I go into your room and I can smell you by me the tears will start to fall, I might be a bit sad because I love and I miss you.

I will miss you when the time comes I must say goodbye for a day without you is a lifetime of hell.

I enjoy spending time with you, I love that I can speak my mind and know it is not going to bite me in the butt, can I say that you are the person who stole my heart and I will miss you one day.

I will miss you, WE have this bond that has created this hold and at times I want to scream, I can’t breathe, but now the tears are forming quickly as they run down my face and I cannot hold them any more, I must miss you and learn to heal for living in the past can make you ill.

I love you Mom and hope that the angels enjoy your company as much as I did.

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