Magic -Live- Catches One Unawares Poem by Erhard Hans Josef Lang

Magic -Live- Catches One Unawares

Oh this grand, oh so vibrant cosmic swinging and flurrying
With all its expressive - and abstract - hidden huge influences being
carried along! !

As vast a world as is ours,
It yet always seems to be as tiny
In these rounded, ever widening fields of our immense cosmos
We're brooding in -

This is what engulfs all our things down here,
Far and wide, seen and unseen! ! !
As well, it does hold engulfed
Me, too, and my world, and yours and you.

Would you, Unknown Entity, for once again, energetically join forces,
and, for a minute or two,
Take up your abode in my mind, benevolently?

For you now opening up, slip into one like myself
- And may you enjoy making up a man like me as you're superceding
On me of flesh and blood,
and come to stay in my heart!

Am I prepared so that you could stand me? -
Finally you'd be one here that I, as a human, could bow to?

Would you be also one I may freely converse with and befriend? Or am I
too small by size to dare entertain
A wish aspiring for your heights?

Or is there a place elsewhere, aside from Mind,
That you, mystic One in All by all in one,
Would pitch up your tent and camp?
Another regal abode, befitting for you to come down to,
Aside here from mind?
Where you could have a Oneness of all your subtlest fibers
Gladly reflected, re-creating yourself in a small vessel?
On this one spritely pearl of globe come oh so alive?

In Mind only - I, for one, just can't see another -
Everything under the sun, May easily stand up together in a line.

Seers and shamans of different ancient peoples
Have named different means
Of ensuring the potency of Magic Spells.
Some are said to have gained the glorious realm of wonders
Strictly by devotionals with most beloved Goddesses and Gods.

And one can easily imagine that those
Who make for lofty fields of miracles,
By mere spells of cosmic knowledge and
Algebraic laws of magic ritual,
Through rightful rites -
Are those who would want to make the least of noise
Whilst their miracles are happening, -
Not a curious eye to be baffled thereby,
while the coming of their miracles might
Hardly be noticed by themselves -
Self-grown fruit of will as these are,
Expressed only at the sudden end
Of an ultimate chain of action in Mind.

As sweet a fruit the action to be,
As sweet a fruit to Graciously be granted by some insider eye of higher
insight? -
Is this what they meant
when I heard them say,
'God is good'?

Many have wanted to know what exactly it is
That makes real of
Non-trickster magicians' work:

Each and every one of those, rarely
Whenever met to face the question,
Just mysteriously answered,
'True Magic lives by the magic of its secret.'

And they all stop short of telling
That it is only to avoid the shattering of their magic's frame
To be built up in a singular of cell, theirs,
That the secrets must be kept by all means.
For no leakage in the Mind will drain their cause only
Unless it is bumped at by the low-flying ignorant,
Once they got wind of it.

Magic deeds that, without fail, can
Spell out a realistic performer's desire
Right through the Mind,
Must they not be verily magic playing live.
With cosmic will power swerving down
To bend and shape circumstances of life -

Magic must come easy, I feel, if it were to happen -
As easy as a magic performance is being done?

For things to be happening one's own way - magically?

Things seen strictly as accidental coincidences
By a non-magician's eye!

Erhard Hans Josef Lang

Erhard Hans Josef Lang

Günzburg/Danube Germany
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