Noise Poem by Akhtar Jawad


Rating: 5.0

Let me leave this annoying crowd
to a pleasant loneliness,
what a hell! Sweats in the winter,
smells, some tolerable but some intolerable,
what a noise! And the song played on a shop of music,
a beautiful lyric, a beautiful tune, a lovely music,
that could have carried my soul on a beach,
leaving my body on a dining chair,
of a gem packed restaurant,
and my soul would have been pleased,
to watch and touch the beauty of my choice,
without any fears,
of being caught red handed.
Alas! My coward soul is so annoyed of the noise,
sometimes peeps out like a mouse from the hole,
sees bulky cats talking loudly,
laughing loudly,
and eating sharply,
being frightened once again it hides his face,
but once when a fat cat while eating,
laughed wildly on a joke,
and faced consequences of the laughter,
my soul was relieved a little,
smiled and relaxed!

Saturday, January 16, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: noise
Valsa George 22 January 2016

Too much of noise from a madding crowd is so repulsive, making us long to steal away to some lonely spot! We live in a world of pollution. The noise pollution caused by the speeding vehicles cannot be avoided. But we can at least be careful about controlling the sound we produce! Great write on a nagging issue!

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Kelly Kurt 16 January 2016

Our own fears and inadequacies when seen in others help to balance the scales

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Dimitrios Galanis 16 January 2016

What an evironment painted your beautiful verses.I do regret for having not noticed it, although I had passed by the scene!

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M Asim Nehal 16 January 2016

Some noises are really irritating and some are loud enough to bear them, Nice poem, as ususal.10+++

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Kumarmani Mahakul 16 January 2016

Let me leave this annoying crowd to a pleasant loneliness, ..sweats in winter defines the worries and life in in loneliness is of course pleasant. Very, very interesting poem shared on really. Nicely penned poem shared.10

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