Now We Want To Go Home Poem by Thampi KEE

Now We Want To Go Home

Rating: 5.0

Then again I wish to write, .....

When we write something to you dear
Then I feel a sorrow

Here is the door where we meet
And filled words with love

And learn to earn something for our bread

And now a farewell tell you, dear
And now time come to go for our home

Not be crazy
Today or the other day we may go to our home
Where we born
Now we may try to laugh
And then start to cry
Not feel free to hide

The unsaid words
Right or wrong

Please drink this hot
And dressed for a walk

And not rush for home
Where we born

Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: homeless
Home where we born
Salini Nair 10 November 2014

Now we may try to laugh And then start to cry Not feel free to hide..........................nice poem...enjoyed reading

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Neela Nath Das 20 October 2014

There is a nostalgia which works when we think of our home.Now, I don't want to say like John Masefield- - - - - - I must go down to the seas again.But I must say- - - I must go to my home again/where i was born! Loved reading.Kee thanks for visiting my page.

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Paul Sebastian 20 October 2014

Home sweet home! True we always want to go home where there is love, comfort and peace. Beautiful write. I enjoyed it. Thank you.

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Geetha Jayakumar 17 October 2014

Beautiful poem Kee. Very true said, everyone wish to go home where we born. Beautiful flow of words. Loved reading it.

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Valsa George 16 October 2014

To reach back home is everyone's wish! This wish is openly expressed! Nice write Kee!

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