Tale Of An Unforgiving Heart Poem by Patricia Grantham

Tale Of An Unforgiving Heart

Rating: 5.0

Plunged into the darkness of a very deep hole
Then left into the harshness of the freezing cold
Unable to break away from this mighty power
Bound beneath the shadows of its massive tower

Where one is unable to see the bright sunlight
Not enjoying a good sleep when day turns to night
Burdened down by the heavy thoughts of the day
Forever at a lost for something kind to say

Gripped by the pangs of being unable to forgive
Lost in the ability to enjoy the life you live
Singing of many songs that is wrought with sorrow
No good thoughts of the day nor of tomorrow

Pray your way to forgiveness as fast as you can
Life is to enjoy and is a gift to every man
You will then destroy it and bring it to an end
Will not enter in until the door is open again

Copyright 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: heart
Valerie Dohren 13 February 2013

Very sad - being able to forgive isn't always easy, even though we know we should.

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Joseph Anderson 10 March 2013

Forgiving is ones greatest act of humility. The man on the cross taught us that. You have summed this up very well. Some worthy thoughts here

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Chandra Thiagarajan 14 February 2013

Yes - Sometimes it does happen and we are unable to forgive! But recollecting oneself if one is able to forgive and forget that is great! A lovely poem in content and rendition! ! .

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Roseann Shawiak 23 October 2013

Beautiful poem about forgiveness. Unforgiving people hurt so many people by not forgiving. As for me I believe in instant forgiveness, why carry hurt and negative emotions around? Forgive and send it out to the universe in a poem. It makes you feel so much better spiritually, just letting it go. Feel sorry for those who can't forgive, they must live dismal lives. RoseAnn

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Elena Sandu 20 August 2013

I only read your poem, but it feels like I breathe it! A greatest joy to read, thank you for share!

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Valsa George 17 August 2013

If we are not able to forgive, we will be filled with anger and hatred! Anger is like an acid which corrodes the vessel in which it is kept! Psychologists say that most of the diseases are caused by hatred and negative emotions! When our mind is purged of all negative thoughts through forgiveness and love, life will be happier and healthier! A lovely write, Pat!

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Aswath Raman 16 August 2013

Splendid. To forgive is the best way to heal oneself without a doubt. But do we have the strength to forgive? That is a question left unanswered, often! This is certainly a good read Ma'am!

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Tirupathi Chandrupatla 30 July 2013

Life is to enjoy and is a gift to every man To err is human and to forgive is divine. Nice message through the poem.

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Patricia Grantham

Patricia Grantham

Moncks Corner, South Carolina
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