The Fiery Tongue Poem by Patricia Grantham

The Fiery Tongue

Rating: 5.0

Who can quench the tongue in its fiery flame
That member of the body known only by its name
Not easily subdued nor always able to tame
Stirs up strife and stays ahead of the game

It sets the heart aflame, oh! so many time
Stirs up the emotions at the drop of a dime
Known to be the cause of many a great fall
Words spoken are sometimes as bitter as gall

A part of the body that can either wound or heal
Can speak cruel words of hate or of love so real
Will build up high and can also tear down
Speak words that can save or either let drown

The words that are spoken can do harm or good
Its lies and deceits is not always understood
A tongue can be tamed whether you believe it or not
Put out its burning fire and give it all you got

Copyright 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: tongue
Chandra Thiagarajan 19 February 2013

A classic poem enumerating the tongues way of words in a rhythmic manner with rhyme make music flow! ! An enjoyable read which I feel should find a place in children's text books.! !

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Valsa George 20 February 2013

The words that come out from our tongue can heal or wound, erect or shatter, save or drown! ! If our words are so powerful, why don't we take a little more care before uttering something? If our words help enhance one's self esteem, why should we be so miserly in giving it, without it being hollow flattery? A great poem with lofty thoughts! Thanks for your elevating comment on my poem!

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Tiger Lily Love 21 February 2013

I enjoyed this poem very much! My favorite line was: Will build up high and can also tear down Speak words that can save or either let drown This line shows just how powerful our words are. Funny isnt? How we need our tongue to communticate but then we use it recklessly. Very nice write! :)

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Neela Nath Das 09 March 2013

Wonderful Paricia, just can say wonderful.Had tongue been made of glass we would have been much careful while throwing any word.Deserve more than 10.

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Valerie Dohren 14 March 2013

Words can hurt or heal, they should be used wisely. Well said and well written.

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Inna Zhukova 12 May 2018

Thank you very much for the poem. So wise and deep.

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Amitava Sur 23 October 2013

A nice thought provoking poem........ rightly identified a limb to be very greedy & unpredictable...... lovely

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Vineet Chhikara 26 August 2013

Tongue..... one has to be very careful of it..... it can break any relation.... i loved ur poem and also yer rhyming scheme.....

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Aswath Raman 16 August 2013

Yes Ma'am. The tounge of a man really makes the level of other's perception about him. There is nothing sweeter than loving words and nothing else would cut through as a switch blade to a rib cage (As eminem puts it) A thought provoking write!

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Tirupathi Chandrupatla 30 July 2013

Control thy tongue. Always think before you say. Nice poem.

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Patricia Grantham

Patricia Grantham

Moncks Corner, South Carolina
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