The Monuments Of Hate Poem by Hebert Logerie

The Monuments Of Hate

Remove the statues of hate
From the podium, from the forum
Put them in the colosseum
It is never, never too late
Exile them in the hypogeum
So their worshippers can come
To visit them. Change the rostrum
This is the end of the summer of hell
Ring the bells, let this old season sail
Away, fly away with the old sand
Let‘s finally have peace in this land.

Remove the old signs, the old symbols
"For blacks only, for whites only"
From your hard drive, from your memory
Remove, from the books, the old rules
Store the obsolete books in the library
God created us equal and free
Remove the old scars, forgive
And never forget. Nobody will give
You Freedom. You must fight, fight
To get it and to keep it. Fight for your rights
And the right of others, Remove the statues
Of bigotry. Set up everywhere the lights
Of Freedom. We have paid our dues
America is our home too. We are right
Ship the shameful monuments in the museum
Let them live history in the special asylum
In reality, nobody wants to replace
History, we simply want to place
It accordingly, in its proper time
Where it won't cost more than a dime
Put the statues of hate where they belong
In a hypogeum. And turn the slogan into a song.

Copyright© August 2017 Logerie Hebert, all rights reserved
Hebert Logerie is the author of several books of poems.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: hate,hatred,monument,racism
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