The Most Positive Person Poem by Lyn Paul

The Most Positive Person

Rating: 5.0

The Most Positive Person in the world has fallen into a hole
A broken marriage, she has lost her role
So unimportant and losing energy
No role to be herself to promote her glee
Wanting to do something valuable to feel a need
The most positive person in the world has done so many a good deed

Thinking so hard to not lose that positive desire
Fighting negative to stay out of the fire
She has an amazing gift of bringing life to those
She needs that seed before the wind blows

So The Most Positive Person in the world
Has lost her way
Desperate to find hope
To breathe light in to each new day

Copyright Reserved January 11th 2015
Lyn Paul

The Most Positive Person
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: hope
Hardship can be continuallysweptunder another's mat for that perfect life.
But we have to Let It GO.... what else can be done?
Mary Forrester 20 January 2015

You will come out stronger and wiser Lyn, looking forward to reading more of your beautiful poems,

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 22 January 2015

A broken marriage...... sad but straight....10 stand fast and last with promises left think positive with no shift

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Deepak Kumar Pattanayak 11 January 2015

Positivity should be the basis of life but being sensitive doesn't mean one doesn't have positivity and to deny the negatives in your life, increases your positivity, after all a person is revered as a model of life when he/she leaves a legacy of resilience and determination......Lyn......a poem on a well thought-out concept......10

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Geetha Jayakumar 12 January 2015

A Beautiful yet painful flow of words. Extremely sensitive person really find it difficult to cope up with negativity of life. if Anything befalls on one, it falls from all the sides, giving no way to get up at all. This is one fact of life. it will crush one down mentally. Sure after some time, may be days or years after, person may start rising. Really those painful moments one will never forget in life. But if we count how many such painful incident we have crossed will really surprise us. The worst moments how we crossed is really worth thinking and feel proud of self. Some times I do feel how I crossed those perils which crushed almost me to death. Even the most positive man may fall, as none can stop one from falling, but how long it takes one to rise up is quite important in life. Thoughtful write Lyn. The most positive person will never loose on its way.

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Lorraine Colon 13 January 2015

It's easy to be positive when everything is going well for us. The real test comes when things start to fall apart. But are we really expected to remain positive when that happens? We are so dependent upon each other. I see nothing wrong with feeling negative when the circumstance presents itself. It's only natural, not a shortcoming. Our human frailty is most evident when we are given crosses that are too heavy to carry. We collapse under their weight, and sometimes only another person can help lift the burden. I believe the answer lies in our being able to communicate our sorrows to others, inviting support and kind words, thus allowing the healing to start. A most inspiring poem, Lyn.

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- - - 27 December 2018

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Alice Cordy 17 February 2015

Well written and stay positive. An inspirational poem even for me to be positive. Thank you for sharing :)

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Ruby Honeytip 08 February 2015

This is me..................

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Loyd C Taylor Sr 02 February 2015

Hello Lyn. Even positive people need help once in a while. I enjoyed your poem, Loyd C Taylor

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Tirupathi Chandrupatla 24 January 2015

No one looks behind the scene. The most positive person has seen most negative things and no one else is there to help. Nice poem bringing this out.

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Lyn Paul

Lyn Paul

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