Alexander Anderson Poems

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The Cricket's Silence

Last year I sat within my room,
And heard the cricket in the gloom
Chirp out his palpitating lay,
As if he were on holiday.

A Village Scene- Evening

The merry children are playing
In the little village street;
The old men sit by the doorway:
Their evening rest is sweet.

In Kirkconnel Old Churchyard

The mist lies on Glen Aymer hill,
Listless as if asleep,
Below the silence quivers still
With bleatings of the sheep.


The simmer day was sweet an' lang,
It had nae thocht o' sorrow,
As my true love and I stood on
The bonnie banks o' Yarrow.

Wauken Up

Wull I ha'e to speak again
To thae weans o' mine?
Eicht o'clock, an' weel I ken
The schule gangs in at nine.

The Covenanter's Tryst

I am auld an' frail, an' I scarce can gang,
Though whiles when I tak' a turn,
It's only when the sun blinks oot
On the braes by the Vennel Burn.

The Cricket's Song

He will not sing his loudest song,
This poet full of love and mirth,
Until the shadows which belong
To night are deep upon the hearth.

Love Is Sweet

Whisper, dear, that love is sweet,
Sweeter far than anything;
Brighter than the flowers that grow

Pit Him To His Bed

Here's wee Tam aside the fire,
Soun' as soun' can be,
Tangs across his wee fat legs,

The Message Of The Bee

The humble bee is hiding
In the blossom's golden cells;
He, and he only, can tell me
Where the queen of the fairies dwells.

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