Well, I was born in Indiana, raised by my grandparents and got to live in many different states across the u.s., we even live in mexico for a few years. I never got to know wnyone for longer than a year, so I am naturally socially awkward... I was always a strange kid and still am one: P I struggle with self image issues and find it very very hard to trust anyone. I have been hurt a few too many times in my short life. Ive hurt a few too many people... I have what you might call a low self esteem, and I push it on others. I do things i probably shouldnt. I'm self destructive. I have a disgustingly hopeful view of the future. I take pleasure in the small things in life, even though so many small things push me over the edge. Im quiet. I love writing, I love music, I love singing when no one is around. I also love animals. Im naive. I think really far into things, but not too far, I hope. I think before I act, even though it does often mean missing out on a lot in life. I was raised in a dysfunctional house and haven't a clue as how to be normal. Everybody calls me wierd, even wierdos: P
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