Alfred Austin Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Farewell

Good-bye, old year, good-bye!
Gentle you were to many as to me,
And so we, meditating, sigh,

Is Life Worth Living?

Is life worth living? Yes, so long
As Spring revives the year,
And hails us with the cuckoo's song,

A Defence Of English Spring

Unnamed, unknown, but surely bred
Where Thames, once silver, now runs lead,
Whose journeys daily ebb and flow
'Twixt Tyburn and the bells of Bow,

Give Me A Roof Where Wisdom Dwells

Give me a roof where Wisdom dwells,
Where honeysuckle smiles and smells,
A bleating flock, some lowing kine,
An honest welcome always mine,
A hom ...

A Portrait

When friends grown faithless, or the fickle throng,
Withdrawing from my life the love they lent,
Breed in my heart disdainful discontent,

If You Were Mine, If You Were Mine,

`If you were mine, if you were mine,
The day would dawn, the stars would shine,
The sun would set, the moon arise,

A Farewell To Youth

Ere that I say farewell to youth, and take
The homely road that leads to life's decline,
Let me be sure again I shall not pine

A Dream Of England

I had a dream of England. Wild and weird,
The billows ravened round her, and the wrack,
Darkening and dwindling, blotted out the track,

The Poet And The Muse

Whither, and whence, and why hast fled?
Thou art dumb, my muse; thou art dumb, thou art dead,
As a waterless stream, as a leafless tree.

A Birthday

The love within my heart that dwells
Knows nought of days or hours;
I hear thee in the Christmas bells,

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