Alfred Edward Housman Poems

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Epitaph On An Army Of Mercenaries

These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages and are dead.

Oh, When I Was In Love With You

Oh, when I was in love with you,
Then I was clean and brave,
And miles around the wonder grew
How well did I behave.


From Clee to heaven the beacon burns,
The shires have seen it plain,
From north and south the sign returns
And beacons burn again.

I Hoed And Trenched And Weeded

I hoed and trenched and weeded,
And took the flowers to fair:
I brought them home unheeded;
The hue was not the wear.

The Laws Of God, The Laws Of Man

The laws of God, the laws of man,
He may keep that will and can;
Not I: let God and man decree
Laws for themselves and not for me;

Far In A Western Brookland

Far in a western brookland
That bred me long ago
The poplars stand and tremble
By pools I used to know.

If By Chance Your Eye Offend You

If by chance your eye offend you,
Pluck it out, lad, and be sound:
'Twill hurt, but here are salves to friend you,
And many a balsam grows on ground.

In My Own Shire, If I Was Sad

In my own shire, if I was sad,
Homely comforters I had:
The earth, because my heart was sore,
Sorrowed for the son she bore;


Stars, I have seen them fall,
But when they drop and die
No star is lost at all
From all the star-sown sky.

Ho, Everyone That Thirsteth

Ho, everyone that thirsteth
And hath the price to give,
Come to the stolen waters,
Drink and your soul shall live.

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