Anonymous British Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Queen Dido; Or, Eneas, Wandering Prince Of Troy

When Troy towne had, for ten yeeres 'past',
Withstood the Greekes in manfull wise,
Then did their foes encrease soe fast,

The Sailor's Evening Prayer

Long the sun hath gone to rest,
Dimm'd is now the deep'ning west;
And the sky hath lost the hue
That the rich clouds o'er it threw.

The Drowned Lovers

Willie stands in his stable door,
And clapping at his steed,
And over his white fingers
His nose began to bleed.

Robin Hood And The Ranger

When Phoebus had melted the sickles of ice,
With a hey down, &c.
And likewise the mountains of snow,
Bold Robin Hood he would ramble to see,

London Bridge Is Falling Down

London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down, falling down,
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair Lady.

The Birch Trees

Blessed is the birch in the valley of Gwy
Whose branches will fall off one by one, two by two
It will remain when there will be a battle in Ardudwy
And the lowing together of the cattle about the ford of Mochnwy

I Saw A Peacock

I Saw a Peacock, with a fiery tail,
I saw a Blazing Comet, drop down hail,
I saw a Cloud, with Ivy circled round,
I saw a sturdy Oak, creep on the ground,
I saw a Pismire, swallow up a Whale,
I saw a raging Sea, brim full of Ale,
I saw a Venice Glass, full fifteen feet deep,
I saw a well, full of men's tears that weep,
I saw red eyes, all of a flaming fire,
I saw a House, as big as the Moon and higher,
I saw the Sun, even in the midst of night,
I saw the man, that saw this wondrous sight.

Sonnet About A Nose

'Tis very odd that poets should suppose
There is no poetry about a nose,
When plain as is the nose upon your face,

Edward, Edward

Why dois your brand sae drap wi bluid,
Edward, Edward,
Why dois your brand sae drap wi bluid,
And why sae sad gang yee O?'

Romani Suttur Gillie

Romani Suttur Gillie

Jaw to sutturs, my tiny chal;
Your die to dukker has jall'd abri;
At rarde she will wel palal

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