Anonymous Poems

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Icarus, Robert Jones's Second Book Of Songs And Airs

LOVE wing'd my Hopes and taught me how to fly
Far from base earth, but not to mount too high:
   For true pleasure
   Lives in measure,


BALOW, my babe, lie still and sleep!
It grieves me sore to see thee weep.
Wouldst thou be quiet I'se be glad,
Thy mourning makes my sorrow sad:


THERE were twa sisters sat in a bour;
   Binnorie, O Binnorie!
There cam a knight to be their wooer,
   By the bonnie milldams o' Binnorie.

The Wakening, John Attye's First Book Of Airs

ON a time the amorous Silvy
Said to her shepherd, 'Sweet, how do ye?
Kiss me this once and then God be with ye,
   My sweetest dear!

My Heart Is High Above

MY heart is high above, my body is full of bliss,
For I am set in luve as well as I would wiss
I luve my lady pure and she luvis me again,
I am her serviture, she is my soverane;

My Love In Her Attire

My Loue in her Attyre doth shew her witt,
It doth so well become her:
For eu'ry season she hath dressings fitt,
For Winter, Spring, and Summer.

London Bells

Two sticks and an apple,
Ring the bells at Whitechapel.

Old Father Bald Pate,


Courage is the strength to stand up
When it's easier to fall down and lose hold.

I Have A Gentil Cock

I have a gentil cock
croweth me day
he doth me risen early
my matins for to stay

To A Nun

Please God, forsake your water and dry bread,
And fling the bitter cress you eat aside.
Put by your rosary. In Mary's name leave chanting creeds
To mildewing monks in Rome.

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