Bill Grace Poems

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When You Meet The President Of The United States

When you meet the President
Say 'hello' and let him talk
This will put him at ease in your presence
Creating the familiar which always helps

Reading Fairy Tales

Reading fairy tales to daughter
Has helped remind me in a friendly way
Of the world's complexities and that pride
Of which I am most culpable

On Torture

In the delirium of torture
Rommel's name was thrown and
His suicide was forced.
This general who had burned the Fuhrer's order

Marine Corps Dog Lady

When the threads were bronze
That kept me seperate
But before they turned to black
That would divide me even more

Late Evening Reflection On The Front Porch With Cat

I aimed at A and
Hit W, by God's grace, or is it Z or N?
The cat crunching her meal
As holy a sound

:) Poem Of Pure Autobiography - Watches

First there was the Donald Duck
Then the Hopalong Cassidy
Then Grammy gave a Swiss Incablock in 4th grade
A real watch that lasted past

Fire Ant

Three skin strikes upon a red welt -
A little greater than a fish belly white pin head -
An accident in nothing more adventurous than a pristine pool
Tell of this fire ant's excellence

Free food I know it is a lie.
I can not kill that sign even though I want to.
Those who come for help will not be charged -
this much is true,

Hot Spot

How time does change so many things.
In youth a 'hot spot' was a place to go and drink
and perhaps in a moment of exuberance even dance upon the bar
Or a geography in a sex manual.

Stop Sign

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