Bob Gotti Poems

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I Am A Sinner

Friend, I’m a wicked sinner too, a fallen sinner, just like you,
But, I have been to Calvary, to the cleansing blood you see,
It is purely the Blood of Christ, which changed my sinful life,
Going to the cleansing flood, I was saved by Christ’s Blood.

Seed By Seed

One seed at a time in the heart, for Truth God shall impart,
Seed by seed sown in time, changes hearts by His design,
Still convicting the heart of one, avoiding God’s Only Son,
The One they say they know, yet old seed has yet to grow.

Narrow And Wide Gates

We all must consider, every day, both the broad and narrow way,
For destruction, or life awaits, for all entering through both gates,
The narrow gate leads to life; the one where we find Jesus Christ,
The wide gate leads to a road of sin, a broad path of destruction.

Faithfulness To The Lord

All Believers need to be faithful, as they follow The Lord’s Will.
For as we mature in Jesus Christ, faithfulness grows in our life,
As we travel this earthly sod, standing firm in the Word of God,
As His witness to this world, as God’s Truth we faithfully herald,

The Vine And The Branches

Friend, Jesus Christ is the Vine, Christians are but the branches.
And The Lord is indeed Divine, and through all our circumstances.
The Lord Jesus is over all time, and with Him there are no chances.
And as my Savior, He is mine, and it is in Christ I take my stances.

Riches And Poverty

Men speak of riches and poverty, two extremes of our reality,
But, for many, it would seem, they never enter either extreme,
Some, attaining all they require, never seek to rise any higher,
Some are content living small, but into poverty they never fall.

Isaiah's Message To Israel

Isaiah in chapter 53, speaking to the people of Israel, he appealed,
Who has believed our message and to whom has The Lord been revealed?

He would grow up before Israel like a tender shoot with no majesty,

God’s Helping Hand

Let The Lord help you today, to find the path of His favored Way,
God’s Way unto abundant Life, the way above the grief and strife.
The helping hand of The Lord, will intervene when He’s implored,
As men seek God’s helping hand, in ways we cannot understand.

Steps To Sanctification

After accepting God’s Salvation, we proceed into sanctification,
As all believers are sanctified, by the One, who for sinners died,
Though we’re sanctified by the Lord, our part cannot be ignored,
Set apart for God, in this life, we’ve new steps ordered by Christ.

An Attitude Of Altitude

We can have an attitude of altitude, from the power that’s endued,
To all believers while in this life, through The Spirit of Jesus Christ,
So when we hit that valley low, we get strength from who we know,
To then rise above any situation, through the God of our Salvation.

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