Bob Gotti Poems

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God’s Providence

All that The Lord does is good, as He controls every land,
In ways only God could, moving with His Sovereign Hand,
And if all believers only would, take for Christ a firm stand,
Then more unbelievers could, come to God to understand.

God’s Provision

All my help comes from above, no matter what I am thinking of,
He tends to my needs with love, fitting my situation like a glove,
Supplying all my needs to me, from a source that I may not see,
As God moves the heart of man, as He fits me into another plan.

His Nail Pierced Hands

Those hands pierced at Calvary, are open today for you and me,
Offering some God’s Salvation, while to others, their restoration,
To those Believers, who know Him, but, who have fallen into sin,
So the newly saved and restored, can both serve the Risen Lord.

Access To God

I speak to The Father every day, through one very Glorious Way,
A way provided for you and me, to speak to the God of Eternity.
I speak to Him only through one, the Father’s only begotten Son,
Christ gained access for His own, directly to His Father’s Throne.

The Cross Foretold

Seven hundred years before Jesus Christ ever walked on the earth,
Isaiah prophesied that He would be born through a virgin birth,

There was much misunderstanding in the land by those who heard it,

God Is Dead

Once a man claimed God was dead, while he, not God, died instead.
God my friend is alive and well, but the fool is bound for eternal Hell.
Filled with an arrogance and pride, that fool has since, eternally died.
And that is the future for all ahead, who today remain spiritually dead.

God’s Enduring Love

Our God’s Love endures forever, for He had saved a fool like me,
Now one, who had loved Him never, is a child of God for Eternity.
And the love He has placed within, now permeates my entire life,
Love led me to leave a life of sin, and now I live for Jesus Christ.

What Do Good Works Do?

What will a good life do for you, when your earthly life is through?
All the good you proudly say, you’ve done for men along the way.
Good deeds by men can be good; however it must be understood,
That our works won’t take the place, of The Lord’s amazing Grace.

God’s Family

Speaking to His disciples one day, The Lord said He could not stay,
But upon earth they would remain, with God’s message to proclaim.
Knowing He would soon depart, Christ placed a peace in their heart,
For they’d know where Christ was, with The Father in Heaven above.


As believers live for Jesus Christ, He makes changes in our life,
Convicting us with the Holy Spirit, using The Word as we hear it,
As His Word touches everything, God teaches us longsuffering,
As we daily, deal with others, unbelievers and Christian brothers.

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