Bob Gotti Poems

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God’s Provision

All my help comes from above, no matter what I am thinking of,
He tends to my needs with love, fitting my situation like a glove,
Supplying all my needs to me, from a source that I may not see,
As God moves the heart of man, as He fits me into another plan.

Access To God

I speak to The Father every day, through one very Glorious Way,
A way provided for you and me, to speak to the God of Eternity.
I speak to Him only through one, the Father’s only begotten Son,
Christ gained access for His own, directly to His Father’s Throne.

Can God Use You?

Friend, are you filled with a zeal, which from The Lord is truly real?
From God’s Spirit up above, which fills your witness with His love.
Do you stand firm on The Truth, when facing reproach or reproof?
To let men see your power within, is not your own but is from Him.

Too Late For Merry Christmas?

Is it too late for Merry Christmas, too late for the greatest of Gifts?
Is God’s greatest offer limited to, a holiday known to me and you?
Some have Christmas in July, the reason for it, do you know why?
Is Christmas a day Christ was born, a day today, many just scorn?

The Media’s Slant

On the American Bastion of Conspiracy, daily in America watch and see,
News broadcasted day and night, portrayed to make wrongs seem right,
The Editor takes footage and skews, their final piece, they call the News,
Taking what is viewed and said, editing that piece to their needs instead.


Some say it’s a judgmental world, as judgment by others is hurled,
On people just like you and me, who choose to live life differently.
But where is all the judgment from, which they receive from some?
Is it from their own heart and mind, and are they just being unkind?

One Day At A Time

We need to take our eyes off us, and in the Lord put our trust,
Our vision can be small indeed, focusing just on present need.
But, the Lord who’s over all, takes care of needs big and small,
As He has and He always will, care for His own, so just be still.

Quiet Before The Storm

Just as the quiet before the storm, life can take on a similar form,
In time of quietness and peace, a storm of life can be unleashed;
An interruption within one’s life, bringing also, unwelcomed strife,
Even though a trial may be brief, it can bring much pain and grief.

Out Of Bondage

Delivered out of many years of bondage and given a brand new start,
All they had to do was follow Moses and trust God's unchanging heart.

From the bondage through Moses lead they were given complete relief,

Don’t Worry For Tomorrow

Day by day, must be my focus, this as I obey The Lord Jesus,
Living simply, one day at a time, obeying Truth, that is sublime,
Through the grace given by God, while I live on the earthly sod,
Knowing I’m sustained by Christ, as I live out this temporal life.

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