Bob Gotti Poems

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Led By God

God has led me all these years, through all trials, joys and tears,
Through times I did not understand, led by His omnipotent hand,
Through each year and every trial, God was there, with no denial,
Giving me an undeniable peace, that to this day does not cease.

Purity And Love Practiced

We all need to walk in purity and love, as we live for our Lord above,
This as God's Word we truly heed, purity and love is what men need,
Within the world that has gone astray, with many on the broader way,
Souls seduced by Satan's seduction, on a path towards destruction!

Little Is Much

Little is much, when God is in it, guided by God’s Holy Spirit,
The third person of The Trinity, Who guides both you and me,
Guiding us, for God’s Glory, as He begins an awesome story,
Displaying Power and Grace, as God leads us place to place.

Confused Atmosphere

Mother Nature may be confused, just like those, who have used,
This demeaning title to describe, the very God they have denied,
The Lord God, Who orders all, weather patterns, great and small,
He may never enter their minds, while stirring weather of all kinds.

Healing Hand Of God

The Lord to me has revealed, from my illness I’ve been healed,
From that cancer, deep inside, this, the doctor has not denied,
What was said to be incurable, is now removed, by God’s Will,
Stating that, I am now cancer free, for The Lord has healed me.

Following God's Principles

When God's principals we obey, His Spirit helps us not to stray,
For believers, it is a must, that we practice obedience and trust,
Trusting God with all our heart; from His ways we will not depart,
Letting Wisdom have Her way, while we follow God, day by day.

Scripture's Mirror

Looking into the mirror of Scripture, I am able see a truer picture,
Of who I am and what my life is, in view of God's Righteousness,
The reflection of me in light of, The Holy Lord, Who reigns above,
It gives me The Lord's true value, of that person, I thought I knew.

God’s At Work

Be still, be quiet and you shall see, the hand of The God of Eternity.
Just be still and know He is God, shepherding all with staff and rod.
He’s at work throughout your life; He’s the comfort in pain and strife.
And when a problem won’t relent, God is there with encouragement.

Whiter Than Snow

As the snow falls from up above, it falls down on the earth below.
It covers everything like a glove, with The Creator’s winter show.
But peeking out is a contrast of, the dark earth beneath the snow.
Soon the sun will return and then, the blanket of snow melts away.

Going Green

Going Green is today’s present craze, in these ever darkening days,
Fueled only by man’s speculation, it has duped an entire generation.
Saving the planet for all it’s worth, men are bent on saving the earth,
And the fact that it’s been cursed, makes their delusion even worse.

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