Bob Gotti Poems

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Churched People

Many unconverted religious people, gather together under a steeple,
They gather in the church below, but how much of it is just for show?
Each week religiously on one day, they meet together kneel and pray.
How much does it change their ways, as they live the other six days?

The Power Of The Cross

It was a special time indeed, when Christ chose to died upon a tree,
For He didn't die because of a crime, but He died for you and me.

On the morning before He died, as the garden was quiet and still,

Living With A Heavy Heart

Do you have a loved one who doesn’t know The Lord?
Friend it isn’t any fun picturing them in Hell forevermore.
The end for all is very real, my friend, make no mistake.
Even with a strong appeal, The Lord they could forsake.

He’s Coming Back In Power

Jesus is coming to set all straight and you may have no time to wait.
For no one knows the day or hour when He’ll return in all His Power.
And every eye will see that day when all His power He does display.

Living Water

For all men who hunger and thirst, let Jesus, in your life be first,
He will from a fountain higher, come fill our heart’s every desire.
The Lord will cause living water, to flow from within you forever,
When you truly come to know, Jesus Christ, eternal waters flow.

The Worlds Only Certain Hope

When hopes and dreams seem to fade, there is one message to herald,
That Jesus is truly the only lasting Hope in this uncertain world.

Now He reigns from up above, but He will descend to earth once more,

Serving Other Gods

Many gods of a darker realm, throughout the world overwhelm,
The minds of men and their faith, as God’s Truths they replace,
With doctrine, of their decisions, men create their own religions,
Following not God’s, but man’s will, religious desires they fulfill.

Change To Come

Change we see around this world, won’t affect Truths we herald,
In God’s Eternal Holy Word, change by man, cannot be inferred,
But God’s Truth will alter the world, as end time Truth is unfurled,
The Eternal Truths in Revelation, will indeed change every nation.

Contend For The Faith

Many Truths jump from God’s Word, many Truths that need to be heard,
God’s Truths about salvation of men, and how they must be Born Again,
However, many people just cry foul, and irritably exclaim, why and how?
Just why is it that you continue to say, to Heaven there is only one way?

By His Hand

Be still to watch the Hand of the Lord, as our ways are not ignored,
By Jesus Christ, throned high above, any trial, which you speak of;
There is purpose in our trials friend, as many will see come the end,
When in Christ you take your stand, as He guides us with His Hand.

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