Bob Gotti Poems

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The Power Of The Cross

It was a special time indeed, when Christ chose to died upon a tree,
For He didn't die because of a crime, but He died for you and me.

On the morning before He died, as the garden was quiet and still,

Going Green

Going Green is today’s present craze, in these ever darkening days,
Fueled only by man’s speculation, it has duped an entire generation.
Saving the planet for all it’s worth, men are bent on saving the earth,
And the fact that it’s been cursed, makes their delusion even worse.

Probing Questions

Is there something more to life, than endless days of toil and strife?
Is there something after all of this; a Hell below or a Heavenly Bliss?
Can there truly be life after death, this when we take our final breath?
That question always asked is why; do innocent people have to die?

Want To Slow Down?

Rushing here and rushing there, men in a hurry to get just where?
Racing down the highway of life, creating on the roads such strife.
When arriving at their destination, what then is their consolation?
Only more racing through the day, and more grief along the way.

Words Of Comfort

In my mind thoughts will flow, from The Truth I have come to know,
To words of light and encouragement, to the places I’ve been sent.
A comfort to all who do believe, and a light to all who are deceived,
God’s encouragement to a brother, while words of Truth to another.

Departed Souls

Men and women close to us, die each day and return to dust.
And for some who pass away, many can only hope and pray,
That they too, knew The Way, before they had died that day,
If Christ was not upon their heart, on that day they did depart.

Churched People

Many unconverted religious people, gather together under a steeple,
They gather in the church below, but how much of it is just for show?
Each week religiously on one day, they meet together kneel and pray.
How much does it change their ways, as they live the other six days?

God’s At Work

Be still, be quiet and you shall see, the hand of The God of Eternity.
Just be still and know He is God, shepherding all with staff and rod.
He’s at work throughout your life; He’s the comfort in pain and strife.
And when a problem won’t relent, God is there with encouragement.

Whiter Than Snow

As the snow falls from up above, it falls down on the earth below.
It covers everything like a glove, with The Creator’s winter show.
But peeking out is a contrast of, the dark earth beneath the snow.
Soon the sun will return and then, the blanket of snow melts away.

Living In Expectation

Living faithfully and expectantly, must be life for you and me,
In Christ alone we have reason, this regardless of the season,
To long for the return of Christ, no matter where we are in life,
While we live, all that we learn, with our hope in Christ's return.

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