Bob Gotti Poems

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His Majesty

It will be unmatched by anything, the coming majesty of our King,
Fully unmatched and unsurpassed; a majesty that will forever last.
His Majesty, witnessed by a few, whom The Lord personally knew,
The Majesty of God’s Only Son, appearing on Earth for everyone.

As Christ Strengthens Me

Through Jesus Christ you can achieve more than anyone could believe.
Much for mankind can be wrought, if we look to that old rugged cross.
I can do all things indeed, through Jesus Christ, who strengthens me.
His Glory is what’s achieved, as He moves the heart of the deceived.

An Absence Of Light

Aimlessly roaming all the day, desperately searching to find a way,
A way to make all things right, only to stumble back into the night.
Darkness invades all their sight, all because of an absence of light.
They begin stumbling along the way, even in the middle of the day.


As you walk with God in your life, you display the character of Christ.
As you walk away from The Lord, your fruit displayed is not ignored,
When a one becomes backslidden, the spirit inside is not that hidden.
A believer begins wrestling deep inside, when his Lord he has denied.

A Tree's Fruit

Good fruit or bad fruit, a tree can only bear one,
This parable was taught by God's one and only Son.

First mentioned by John as a warning for the Pharisees to heed,

A Friend Forever

Christ will forsake me never; He is indeed my friend forever,
He had offered His life, for me, so that I could live eternally,
And He had approached me first, even as I was at my worst,
God came into my life that day; and Christ moved in to stay.

What A Friend We Have In Jesus

What a friend believers have in Jesus, yes what a friend forevermore,
What a friend you'd have in Jesus, indeed my friend He's at the door.
He's a friend so kind and loving; is the one thing I must underscore,
For He's a friend unlike any other, for His love will forever endure.

What Cancer Can'T Do

Cancer is a real menace friend, which brings on an ominous end,
A time when suffering can be rife, with an early exit from this life,
This as life takes a major change, as many things stay the same,
Bringing much anguish to a family, in ways, they have yet to see.

God’s Faithfulness Through Me

Any faithfulness, which I display, in my service day to day,
Is not solely what I inspire, but, from a source much higher;
It comes from my Lord God, leading me with staff and rod,
And His Guidance, I must seek, for my flesh is oh so weak.

God’s Healing Hand

Almighty God’s healing hand, can touch the heart and soul of man,
The same hand which heals ills, can straighten out our twisted wills.
Christ who healed the multitudes, also healed hearts and attitudes,
The Lord can redirect any life, away from pains and darkened strife.

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