Bob Gotti Poems

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The Goodness Of God

Oh, the kindness of a Holy Lord, poured on those on earth below,
As His gracious help is implored, by those here who need Him so,
And by others, God goes ignored, for The Lord they do not know,
But even these men cannot afford, to continue in the way they go.

God’s Favor

I did nothing to gain God’s Favor, while living out a life of sin,
But, to me He sent The Savior, changing my heart deep within.
God changed my life’s behavior, and now my life I give to Him,
And though my heart may waver, His Holy Spirit remains within.

Embracing God's Word

Believers accept this very hour, The Word of God in all its power,
The Living Word, truly adored, is sharper than a two edged sword,
His Word is living and powerful, above, to accomplish God's Will,
Discerning of hearts and thought, by His Word change is wrought.

In God’s Time

All will happen in God’s time, through God’s will and design,
Overriding some of our desire, with a purpose that is higher.
In His time all shall see, God’s plan and ways are of eternity,
As He uses all times in ways, to prepare us for eternal days.

Politics And Religion

My friend politics and religion, are two topics that cause division,
The two can create in our life, many arguments and much strife.
Dear friend everybody is political, affected by the governing will,
And friend religion plays a part, in each and every human heart.

Smoking Or Non-Smoking

Christ pointed out two places, of which you could go,
One was heaven above, and the other Hell below.

The Lord Himself said not many words about Heaven,

Fruitful Discipleship

Discipleship is God's purpose, of every believer in Christ Jesus,
We are here to share Jesus Christ, with those who touch our life,
We're sent to see men receive, the Truth of God, that we believe,
We're here to share with the lost, saving Truth, whatever the cost.

A New Believer

A new Believer within God's hand by God's Grace becomes a new man.
Although your flesh still remains, your inner heart is not the same.
As The Spirit takes up residence, God in your life takes preeminence.
Your heart now becomes incensed by your former life of decadence.


Friend worry is just Satan’s ploy, to rob you of your God given joy.
He may say that you have control, as he desires to ruin your soul.
Worry not; a command of The Lord, by many simply goes ignored.
Seek first The Kingdom of God, this He says with a confident nod.

My Lord Is With Me

Father you’re with me night and day, this as you guide me all the way.
You carefully guide your very own, as you lead us to our eternal home.
You are with me in the dark of night, piercing darkness with your Light.
Through the day you light my path, guarding me from man’s evil wrath.

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