Brian Johnston Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Ph: Poetry Writing: Advice To Young Poets

It never is an easy ride
And I don't mean to deride,
But your imaginative sense,
Far exceeds experience.

Ph: Life: The Longing For Joy

The longing for joy does not serve us well
When it blinds us to other emotions.
We stumble to think mere absence of pain
Would be heav'n (fear to drown in life's oceans) .

Ph: Faith: Even If God's Absent - Rev 1

If God stinks like red herring and our souls do not exist,
if every star's an ember that will only burn awhile,
if ‘Big Bang' falls back on itself, reflects to make a point:
are Redwoods nothing but a weed that's past the awkward stage?

Ph: Faith: My Last Breath

My last breath is coming and might soon arrive
though I don't know the day or the hour of its birth.
It's a marriage some dread and for others, life's bread,
or deep drink from the well that some dream ends all thirst,


On the Loss of a Friend (Who Still Lives!)

Though it happens quite seldom, a friendship can wither and die
on the vine that we may not see coming, and pain smokes a peace

Ph: Love: Warning: Tree Rings To Jump Through! - Revised!

Like cyclops (with one eye) , like octopus (arms that encompass) ,
the wound of lost elm limb (a bull's eye to witness home playground) ,
stares down what would harm me, the sun's rays that burn! Trunk's strong branches
and leaves put a lid on skys' depths like a beach binds an ocean.

Gf: Yuliya: Traveling To Yuliya

What a delight to realize,
While on my way to Leningrad,
You've given me my first 'White Night' -
A day stretched out before my eyes,

College: Venice

First lightning, then moon calm mingles
with her lights, glistens from the fingers
of salt water, as if jewels rested there;
Jewels (untouched by velvet display)

Gf: Yuliya: Yuliya's Father's Cottage

The ride to the country is uneventful
Except that I feel a little like
A man riding inside a cannon ball.
Yuliya's father Igor drives

Gf: Yuliya: The Letter That Wasn't There

It is difficult -
Waiting for a letter from you,
Going to the mailbox,
Each day,

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