Christina C Sunrise Poems

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A Highly Evolved Being

A highly evolved being
would not kill,
A highly evolved being,
would meditate and be still.

Enjoy The Moment

Enjoy the sound of water rushing down

enjoy the lighting hitting the ground.

You Are Here

You are here on Earth to
feel and transcend
transcend your emotions
to the end.

Clean Up Beach

Ocean will cover the land
in California taking over the sand.
Now if we start picking up trash—
Gaia will forgive us,

Loss Of Power

A fog you put me in so I couldn’t see,

couldn’t break inside of me,

Cherokee Nation Will Return

This nation is in the process of reunification
people living together across the nation,
From the market crash of 2008,
families and friends are coming

Squirrel Died Today

A squirrel died today on the street,

I tried to save him but he was already beat.

There Are No Victims

We incarnate with agreements made
we would meet our old friends or foes once again.
This time to set the record straight
to learn how to forgive, love and not hate.

We Choose

We could choose to end all starving,
We could end all prejudice,
We could choose to end all war,
We did this all before,

We Are The Ones

I write for the animals that need a voice,
they live in this world and with human choice,
they can have their homes taken away from them,
We humans are to here to protect their environment.

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