Christina Sunrise Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Carol's Bright Smile

Carol with her sparkly eyes, always has a great big smile.
Happy to see me even when she's blue,
she is sincere person through and through.
Carol is supportive of my writing for she is a loving soul,


Put a ton of diamonds on your shoes,
while children in America are starving for food.
Destroy plant kingdom while printing the news,
Grow hemp plants and only 1% of it is being used.

Immigrants Help The Nation

Give illegal immigrants work visas when they come to the states,
Let them work for 5 years to make U S of A great.
If they learn English and commit no crimes,
they can become a US citizen within that time.

Max The Creative

Max with his big brown eyes,
kind of shy, but very creative deep inside.
He has great skill,
he concentrates on his game being very still.

Renee My Cousin

On the other coast by the sea,
is my cousin Renee who is sweet as can be.
She has two children who are almost preteens,
they are really creative with lots of energy.

Marlena My First Cousin Born

Marlena who is my first cousin born on Jenek side,

traveled with her family worldwide.

Hugged Gwenth Paltrow's Grandmother

Standing outside on a sunny day,
standing with bright old lady whose a spunky but a little grey.
and also her CNA, we laughed and talked away.
Then I told them I don't work here anymore,

Jewels By Marcelo

"Jewels By Marcelo" is
an antique & jewelry store on Lake Ave.
Marcelo carries antiques
like a silver knight with metal abs.

Maya Of Palm Beach

Maya with her charismatic smile
traveling worldwide many miles.
To Monte Carlo Maya attends
a Red Cross Ball affair that transcends

Jesus Prayers For The People On The Planet

Bless the planet through Jesus's love
Jesus sends his love from up above.
Jesus came so we would suffer no more-
so humble your heart and sin no more.

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