Christina Sunrise Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Born With Green Eyes

My eyes where green since the day

I was born,

Better Than Sunshine

Thoughts of you are better than sunshine,

and sweeter than cherry wine.

Child Abuse Is A Crime

Now you might say,

“What causes crime? ”

Little Loui’s Bark

In Cincinnati in the winter freezing cold,
Betty and her son would be brave and very bold.
They would venture out and find a little guy,
The smallest Yorkie puppy with love in his eyes.

Trash Circle The Size Of Texas

Long Island one of the richest cities in the states
had on it’s shore plastic and glass waste.
One summer I was there,
picked up trash because I cared.

Phoenician's Are First To Sail

Maybe if you are a scholar you will know,
That it is the Phoenician's were the first to sail.
Sail to discover the America's.
No it was not Columbus as the storybooks say,

Born In 1966

Born in the year 1966,
It was a hippy society
with hippies and chicks.
Now if I add my birth

Poem Everyday I Write

Purple poems I do write,
in the day or the night.
Rhyming here and rhyming there,
About people and pets

James The Interesting Cat

James is his name and video is his game,
he makes funny videos that are off the chain.
Like the one of Razel who is a puppet with evil eyes,
James made her lips move, to totally hypnotize.

Shieka My Pup

Shieka was my second pup who was a lot of fun.
He looked like a miniature Ta-Shieka.
who was half German Shepherd and Chow,
Shieka was born in the state with a lot of cows.

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