ciarah oglivie

ciarah oglivie Poems

u smile
we talk
i think of you everyday
and every night

i like when you smile
i like when you laugh
you are so cute in so many ways
i love to play

i blush when i hear your name
i blush when u come around me
how could i look in your eyes and say how i feel
am scared to talk

life is like a train
it will never stop
love is like a heart
that will never stop hurtinng inside

why do we like life
why do we live here
why should we stay here
is it because we want to

i walk above u
u see me there
u say that am the one
no one could see that

there i was waiting for someone to save me
he walked above me in the sky under the bluemoon
were i could get lost fell in love with him
why can't i see the sun light

i will awayz love u forever
i will be by your side forever
forever is a very long time but i will make it count
i will go dancein with u forever

i walk on the beach
blows me away
the sand is soft like a baby
where there peace in the air

i wish you were here
by my side
i don't kown

you say that i break everyone heart
but u don't kown the truth
about me
you don't kown

ciarah oglivie Biography

hi my name is ciarah and love to sing and write songs and sometime write pomes that is about my life i was born in new york i had a really hard life my i don't really no my dad but i have to dad but the real one i don't really kown i lost brother not to long ago it still hurts but am strong i have him watching me i love to sing dance and write.)

The Best Poem Of ciarah oglivie

I Want To Be More Then Friends

u smile
we talk
i think of you everyday
and every night
your very nice
and sweet
i want to be more then friends
we love music
i really like you but am to shy
to say it
were really close
but very apart
i see u alone
i start to worry
i want to be more then friends
why can't i be your baby girl
that there for you
when you see her
your happy
i want to be that person
i want to be your angel
your life

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