Clark Ashton Smith Poems

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Saturnian Cinema

How many a new and strange neurosis
The film-producer vexes
When love requires a symbiosis
Of nine or seven sexes.


Ah, can we stifle the old, the long remorse,
Who lives and moves full tortuously,
Who feeds upon us like the worm upon the corpse,
The caterpillar on the tree?

Lines On A Picture

O face upturned to alien splendors!
Sybil, what visions have you seen
In haunted worlds? what music hearkened
In Edens hushed and vespertine?

The Limniad

The pool's green lymph
Whitens with the floating nymph
Who rises algae-fleeced.

Madrigal Of Evanescence

Dear, can we endure to know
How these jasmine-girdled hours
Shall become the long ago?
Love, can we endure to know

A Madrigal

My dreams are belated orioles
That flee the mournful mists
To find, in the heaven of thy soul,
The lost summer and the balsam

The Mad Wind

What hast thou seen, O wind,
Of beauty or of terror,
Surpassing, denied to us,
That with precipitate wings,

Lunar Mystery

O'er gardens lulled with ghostly light
In music leaned the languorous moon,
The burden of the murmured night.

Luna Aeternalis

By an alien dream despatched and driven
In a land to strange stars given,
Stars that summoned forth the moon,
Singing a strange red eldritch rune,

The Love-Potion

Sluggish drops of sullen balm;
Blood-red wine from fruits of bane,
Subtly mixed with polar snows
Melted in a harlot's palm;

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