Clark Ashton Smith Poems

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Thy mouth, whereof the worm was amorous,
Thy brows, whereon some waning moon had power,
Thy breasts, corruptible as any flower,
And all thy troubled beauty tremulous—

Memoria Roja

Esta memoria vuelve todavía
de un jardín de amaranto más retinto:
los lagos del ocaso, colorando
mi desvarío como un vino tinto;

Memnon At Midnight

Methought upon the tomb-encumbered shore
I stood of Egypt's lone monarchal stream,
And saw immortal Memnon, throned supreme
In gloom as of that Memphian night of yore:

The Melancholy Pool

Marked by the priesthood of the Night's misrule,
The shadow-cowled, imprecatory trees—
Cypress that guarded woodland secrecies
And graves that waited for the delaying ghoul,

A Meeting

When all the splendour wanes
Like a slow sunset from the changeful leaves,
And the grey time of rains
With hooded dawns and eves

The Medusa Of The Skies

Like a worm-fretted visage from the tomb,
The moon unswathes her hollow, shrunken head,
Launching such light as foulders on the dead
From pallid skies more death-like than the gloom.

The Medusa Of Despair

I may not mask for ever with the grace
Of woven flowers thine eyes of staring stone:
Ere the lithe adders and the garlands blown,
Parting their tangle, have disclosed thy face


As drear and barren as the glooms of Death,
It lies, a windless land of livid dawns,
Nude to a desolate firmament, with hills
That seem the gibbous bones of the mummied Earth,

Le Miroir Des Blanches Fleurs

Rappelelez-vous l'étang dont l'eau nous attirait
Dans des hereux matins,
Voyez-vous noire étang, ceint des buissons alpins,
Où des mignonnes fleurs la blancheur se mirait


Deem ye the veiling vision will abide—
The marvel, and the glamor, and the dream
Which lies in light upon the barren world ? . . .

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