Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal Corruption Poems

Corruption And

Corruption and
Wednesday,12th December 2018

How long shall we define corruption?

Little Corruption

Charity begins at home
Any change from home is welcome
You can not set an example
And can not achieve without struggle

Corruption Was In Past

It is moving very fast
It exists even today
Only with different approach and ways

It will remain in future in the name of commission

The Anti-Corruption Drive

The anti-corruption drive
Friday,1st February 2019

The extensive drive against corruption

Corruption At Root

Corruption at root
Wednesday,26th June 2019

Corruption has long, deep roots

The Corruption

The people have stooped so below
They will never encourage or allow
Good people to perform without fear
They are almost devil and near

The Corruption Drive

The corruption drive
Friday,1st February 2019

The extensive drive against corruption

Root Out Corruption

We heaved a little sigh
When Indian tri color rose high
It was free air for us to breathe
Entire world was happy and eager with

A Synonymous With Corruption

The world has become synonymous with corruption
It goes on under our nose without any interruption
It is highlighted with big letters in head lines
It is big credit for all and do not fear for any fines

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