Cristobal Benjumea Poems

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rocky path

small problem, bigger problem
this mystery, always the world, a mystery

So Many Truths

so many untruths, so much darkness

one truth, two truths, three truths
hold on to the glass

You Prophets

You prophets, bless you, relate the future

solve the mysteries


i want you to know that i am here next to the scrapheap
concord is wellcome, to accept the sacred
nor is jesus going to throw the merchants, from the temple
nor the sacred pull you free of the jungle, nor present itself on a silver plate, the direction, and all your fallacies, all, how you administer, rejection, with how much of an animal, you are, how the survival of the species the game, we are here allways in the rainy forest, next to the stream, and i am talking, wilst i shine this shield, and the wolf eats ice cream. you so defenceless, by yourself, so dependant on others, to rest in a bossom, and recieve ambrosia,

The Garden, Of Orchids

The genius bore this reproduction, experiment, adding the flood
the violent and the delicate, the righ to choose. the garden, prophaned
the prophet speaks, i listen
the next three centuries, an agenda, the conciousness of the span, redeemed


Poetry is my respite
from the abbyss
fight, between left and right, between love and hate

Colours, Black And White

Poetry is my respite
from the abbyss
fight, between left and right, between love and hate

The Cave Full Of Lillies

Behaveyourself, with the air.
how can i live without lillie, the world never seemed, brighter more beautyfull, what of supermaket wonders
scince there is no one else to abuse
doctor mabuse or doctor jekill

Jaged Air

Can Whiskey replace, nutrition, in an emergency
whe the enemy is in front
and the frends
in the book of the, fateless destructor,


to live
or not to live
to fall
or not, to fall into the the black hole

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