Dante Gabriel Rossetti Poems

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Stratton Water

“O HAVE you seen the Stratton flood
That's great with rain to-day?
It runs beneath your wall, Lord Sands,
Full of the new-mown hay.


THERE is a big artist named Val,
The roughs' and the prize—fighters' pal:
The mind of a groom

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

HIS Soul fared forth (as from the deep home-grove
The father-songster plies the hour-long quest),
To feed his soul-brood hungering in the nest;


THOU fill'st from the winged chalice of the soul
Thy lamp, O Memory, fire-winged to its goal.

Rose Mary

Of her two fights with the Beryl-stone
Lost the first, but the second won.

Sonnet Xxx: Last Fire

Love,through your spirit and mine what summer eve
Now glows with glory of all things possess'd,
Since this day's sun of rapture filled the west

Dawn On The Night-Journey

TILL dawn the wind drove round me. It is past
And still, and leaves the air to lisp of bird,
And to the quiet that is almost heard

Sunset Wings

TO-NIGHT this sunset spreads two golden wings
Cleaving the western sky;
Winged too with wind it is, and winnowings

Sonnet Ix: Passion And Worship

One flame-winged brought a white-winged harp-player
Even where my lady and I lay all alone;
Saying: “Behold, this minstrel is unknown;

Sonnet Liii: Without Her

What of her glass without her? The blank grey
There where the pool is blind of the moon's face.
Her dress without her? The tossed empty space

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