Dante Gabriel Rossetti Poems

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After The German Subjugation Of France, 1871

LO the twelfth year—the wedding-feast come round
With years for months—and lo the babe new-born;
Out of the womb's rank furnace cast forlorn,

Spheral Change

IN this new shade of Death, the show
Passes me still of form and face;
Some bent, some gazing as they go,
Some swiftly, some at a dull pace,

Sonnet Lxvii : The Landmark

Was that the landmark? What,—the foolish well
Whose wave, low down, I did not stoop to drink,
But sat and flung the pebbles from its brink

Sonnets Lxxiv: Lxxv:Lxxvi: Old And New Art

Give honour unto Luke Evangelist;
For he it was (the aged legends say)



REND, rend thine hair, Cassandra: he will go.
Yea, rend thy garments, wring thine hands, and cry

Sonnet Lxix: Autumn Idleness

This sunlight shames November where he grieves
In dead red leaves, and will not let him shun
The day, though bough with bough be over-run.

Sonnet Xxxv: The Lamp's Shrine

Sometimes I fain would find in thee some fault,
That I might love thee still in spite of it:
Yet how should our Lord Love curtail one whit

Sonnet Xxix: The Moonstar

Lady, I thank thee for thy loveliness,
Because my lady is more lovely still.
Glorying I gaze, and yield with glad goodwill

Antwerp To Ghent

We are upon the Scheldt. We know we move
Because there is a floating at our eyes
Whatso they seek; and because all the things

Stratton Water

“O HAVE you seen the Stratton flood
That's great with rain to-day?
It runs beneath your wall, Lord Sands,
Full of the new-mown hay.

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