David Lewis Paget Poems

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They said he was always a hothead,
As a kid he’d scream and shout,
He got so bad, made his mother mad
That his father locked him out.

The Fall Of The Earl Of Grace

One last night in the dungeon,
One last night to his fall,
The Earl of Grace was chained in place
To the damp of the dungeon wall.

Two Paths...

The path that I like to wander on
Is a rural lane in the trees,
It's a pleasant walk, and I tend to talk
To myself, just shooting the breeze.

Bell, Book & Candle

The Church in its awesome majesty
Looked down, from over the hill,
From faith, to hope, to travesty
It stood, and is standing still,

The Final Rest

I was driving along the coastal route,
Looking for somewhere to stay,
A Bed and Board that was cheap would suit
In a nice secluded Bay,

The Script

From the time that Alison woke she knew
That she had to speak her lines,
It was part of some strange assignment that
Had lodged, deep in her mind,

The Egg

I'd thought that they were extinct until
I found one in the coop,
A genuine Jersey Giant, strutting
Up on the henhouse roof,

The Gargoyle

Back in the tiny town of Hamm
In a province best unknown,
Is an ancient sandstone prison tower
Where the grounds are overgrown.


‘There are giants out in the hinterland,
There are monsters, horrible frogs,
There are birds of prey out there all day
There are streets of savage dogs.

Dark Portents

The end was nigh, he scanned the sky
For portents, dark and deep,
He'd sensed some troubled signs within
While tossing in his sleep.

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