Edgar Albert Guest Poems

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Selling The Old Home

The little house has grown too small, or rather we have grown
Too big to dwell within the walls where all our joys were known.
And so, obedient to the wish of her we love so well,
I have agreed for sordid gold the little home to sell.

Making The House A Home

Here's our story, page by page,
Happy youth and middle-age,
Smile and tear-drop, weal and woe
Such as all who live must know-


You are the fellow that has to decide
Whether you'll do it or toss it aside.
You are the fellow who makes up your mind
Whether you'll lead or will linger behind


One never knows
How far a word of kindness goes;
One never sees
How far a smile of friendship flees.
Down, through the years,

The Real Successes

You think that the failures are many,
You think the successes are few,
But you judge by the rule of the penny,
And not by the good that men do.

What A Baby Costs

'How much do babies cost?' said he
The other night upon my knee;
And then I said: 'They cost a lot;

When Sorrow Comes

When sorrow comes, as come it must,
In God a man must place his trust.
There is no power in mortal speech
The anguish of his soul to reach,


I think my country needs my vote,
I know it doesn't need my throat,
My lungs and larynx, too;
And so I sit at home at night

Father's Chore

My Pa can hit his thumbnail with a hammer and keep still;
He can cut himself while shaving an' not swear;
If a ladder slips beneath him an' he gets a nasty spill

The Call Of The Woods

I must get out to the woods again, to the whispering trees and the birds
Away from the haunts of pale-faced men, to the spaces wide where strength
is king;

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