Edgar Albert Guest Poems

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My Soul And I

When winter shuts a fellow in and turns the lock upon his door,
There's nothing else for him to do but sit and dream his bygones o'er.
And then before an open fire he smokes his pipe, while in the blaze
He seems to see a picture show of all his happy yesterdays.

The One In Ten

Nine passed him by with a hasty look,
Each bent on his eager way;
One glance at him was the most they took,

The Average Man

MINE is a song of the average man
Who has been on earth since the world began!
You'll find him kind and you'll find him true,
You'll find him cheerful and happy, too.

All That Matters

When all that matters shall be written down
And the long record of our years is told,
Where sham, like flesh, must perish and grow cold;
When the tomb closes on our fair renown

Vacation Time

Vacation time! How glad it seemed
When as a boy I sat and dreamed
Above my school books, of the fun
That I should claim when toil was done;

Up To The Ceiling

Up to the ceiling
And down to the floor,
Hear him now squealing
And calling for more.


If you would rise above the throng
And seek the crown of fame,
You must do more than drift along
And merely play the game.

Mrs. Malone And The Censor

When Mrs. Malone got a letter from Pat
She started to read it aloud in her flat.
'Dear Mary,' it started, 'I can't tell you much,
I'm somewhere in France, and I'm fightin' the Dutch;

The Green Of Michigan

I'VE seen the Rockies in the west,
I've seen the canyons wild and grim,
I've seen the prairies golden dressed,
And California's hedges prim.

For The Living

IF you like a brother here,
Tell him so;
If you hold his friendship dear,
Let him know;

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