Edgar Albert Guest Poems

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The Departed

IF no one ever went ahead,
If we had seen no friend depart
And mourned him for a while as dead,
How great would be our fear to start.

When Father Shook The Stove

'Twas not so many years ago,
Say, twenty-two or three,
When zero weather or below
Held many a thrill for me.

The Obligation Of Friendship

You ought to be fine for the sake of the folks
Who think you are fine.
If others have faith in you doubly you're bound
To stick to the line.


I am selfish in my wishin' every sort o' joy for you;
I am selfish when I tell you that I'm wishin' skies o' blue
Bending o'er you every minute, and a pocketful of gold,

Life's Tests

If never a sorrow came to us,
and never a care we knew;
If every hope were realized,
and every dream came true;

On Being Broke

Don't mind being broke at all,
When I can say that what I had
Was spent for toys for kiddies small

A Patriotic Creed

To serve my country day by day
At any humble post I may;
To honor and respect her flag,

Lemon Pie

The world is full of gladness,
There are joys of many kinds,
There's a cure for every sadness,
That each troubled mortal finds.

A Battle Prayer

God of battles, be with us now:
Guard our sons from the lead of shame,
Watch our sons when the cannons flame,
Let them not to a tyrant bow.

A Good Name

Men talk too much of gold and fame,
And not enough about a name;
And yet a good name's better far

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